Saturday, May 31, 2014

Courage To Love


I was listening to one of my favorite music group Boyz2men .
It's been ten years since I've been divorced from my wife and I asked myself why did it
take me so long to start a relationship again maybe it was because I was taught to believe
in only being married once and if It didn't work out you just couldn't get married

  Perhaps it was the need to not disappoint my children from my first marriage, because
they where to young to understand that it's okay for a mother to move on, But for a
father to move on is not suppose to happen at least until they realize that fathers get
lonely too. 

  There is always a double standard when people are in relationships, It takes trust
to know that whether you are a man or a woman. You where created to love and be loved
by someone special. It's funny when you give your heart to someone hoping that they
would cherish it and not break it along the way, or treat it as something that can be
disposable or replaced with something or someone that you feel or think would treat it

  The truth is that the heart is unpredictable when it comes to love and since it seems
always the quest to know the heart of someone you love it can never be fully known
unless it is surrendered willingly by the person who has the courage to give his or her
heart to the one they love and not worry about the out come whether the one they
love stays with them a life time or leave.